Travel in COVID109 time

I know most of us are dying to get into plane or train to resume their hobby or to travel around the world for work, but believe me, the time you spent while traveling could put your life at risk. Travel during COVID19 is not easy, and it is showing how careless we used to be toward our health.
Here I will share with you my travel experience this month.
So, after I stuck in my work station for about seven months, I finally got a chance to travel and visit my family. My trip itself took around 15 days, through 4 countries with several airlines, the percussion measurements were different in each country and with each airline.
I would say, though the airlines were trying their best to keep us safe, the airports were not that safe.
In one of the countries as soon as we landed, they literally shipped all the passengers in small buses toward a building that is actually a walking distance from the plane. There was a medium-size closed room used as a waiting area, where you can barely keep a 1-meter distance from others.
They called us to another room small where they gave each one a tube to collect sputum as a sample to do the COVID19 test, but guess what, we were collecting the sample next to each other in that tiny room, while most of us were not wearing masks even.
After that, we had been sent back to the waiting area, where we waited for more than 2 hours to get our results. When the results were ready, some officials came to call the positive cases by name in front everyone asking them to wait aside for other procedure (of course after they were between us without mask) and sent the rest of us to continue the process to enter the country.
In another country, as I had a long transit time, I had to be in quarantine in a specific five stars hotel, where they took all the needed measurement, except that the housekeepers of the hotel were knocking on my door several times, once to Offer me water, or to offer cleaning my room or to check on the TV, all of that just to get the tip, putting their lives and mine in danger.
In a third country, my driver removed his mask the moment he saw me with a scarf, saying that as long as we are praying, then we will not get infected.
In summary, please stay home, be careful and always mind your destination.