The destiny , part1

She was 16 when she had her first daughter; and though her country was witnessing unrest situation since the military takeover, yet she had a peaceful life with her loving husband and cute little girl, until the fifth day of her daughter’s second birthday.That day she walked up early as usual, and started to prepare […]

Email users

As the majority of our workS nowadays are done through emails, don’t you feel stress when you deal with people who know nothing about the email rules?This is really annoying me, especially when the person in CC is the first one jumping to reply to (all) with no valuable information, it is like they want […]


لم أخسر شيء قبلك و لن أخسر شيء بعدك، فقد كنت انت كل خساراتي وكل شيء بعدك يهون

لا تحزن على نجمة ضاعت منك , فالسماء مليئة بالنجوم. فإن لم تكن النجمة من نصيبك.. فمن يدري لعل القمر من نصيبك

كن قوياً لاجلك انت, إتكئ عليك, تعلم ان تخوض معاركك وحيداً …. و انتصر

I am here writing my personal opinion, thoughts and feelings. I will use English, but I will use Arabic more depend on my emotions and mood

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