Monthly Archives: January 2021


كنت في بلد غير اسلامي و كان قدوم شهر رمضان وشيكاً, لم اكن قد التقيت باي مسلم في تلك البلاد رغم انه قد مضى على قدومي قرابة شهرين او أكثر. في احد الايام سألت سائقي ان كان يعرف بوجود مركز اسلامي في المدينة او موقع اي مسجد هناك, فاخبرني انه يوجد مبنى في وسط المدينة […]

The destiny, part 3

It was a typical hot midsummer day when she entered her shelter carrying some pasta. She still could hear some voices inside her head and saw some shadows around her. Yet, since she arrived in this camp, the doctors took care of her, and the psychologist was visiting her frequently. Even though she was feeling […]